Segmentation Fault Error When Using Kind

Segmentation Fault Error When Using Kind


3 min read

What is Kind

Kind is an open-source tool for running a Kubernetes cluster locally, using Docker containers as cluster nodes. kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or Continuous Integration Testing.

Kind Stands for Kubernetes in Docker. Kind is an open-source tool used to create, list, and delete clusters in Kubernetes locally inside Docker. Other popular options for running Kubernetes locally include Minikube, microk8s, and MiniShift.

An advantage of Kind is it runs the clusters in Docker containers hence it has a significantly faster startup compared to other options which require starting a Virtual Machine.

Why Segmentation Fault Error

Segmentation Fault Error is an Error that is caused by a process trying to access unauthorized memory. This accessing of unauthorized memory might be from multiple causes such as:

  • When a piece of code tries to read and write in a read only location or freed block of memory.
  • When it indicates memory corruption.

When working with Kind, this error usually shows up when there is a memory corruption.

Causes of Memory Corruption in Kind

Memory Corruption could occur during the download process. If a few bytes were missing in the downloaded file for example, as the result of interrupted downloading due to network instability. This can lead to a corrupted file being downloaded especially if those bytes are related to important information like headers, metadata and the like.

Moving forward, it is best to use download managers to download large files, using a download manager will ensure that even if the connection is unstable, the file will be downloaded correctly.

Examples of download managers in Linux include:

  • Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) – A great free download manager that can convert file format types as well as accelerate download speeds. This tool includes download queuing and integrated antivirus checks.
  • uGet - An Open source software that can be customized by the user. Uses a multi-thread architecture to shorten download times.

  • SteadyFlow - A download accelerator that is available for Linux or as a browser extension for Chrome.

How to Manage a Segmentation Fault Error from a corrupted file

Re-download the Kind File

This can be done by visiting the release page to find pre-built binaries and selecting the one for your Operating System.

After download is complete, run the following commands on a Linux OS:

curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind

To confirm it is running, use

kind --version

kind create --help


Kind is a quick way to get Kubernetes running on your local machine. If errors occur, Kind has an active Open Source community that can be accessed through their slack channel here. Search for the #kind channel and post your questions/Suggestions there.

Happy Hacking!